Where to Watch Each Season

Download the Official Chosen app

  • Stream Seasons 1-4 of The Chosen in the OFFICIAL app.
  • Don’t miss our app exclusives – the Aftershow, Bible Roundtables, and behind-the-scene extras.
  • Stream on your phone, tablet, or cast to your TV.
  • Available for Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google TV, iOS, and Android. Search “The Chosen” wherever you download apps or channels for your streaming player or device.
  • Seasons 1-4 are currently available on Amazon Prime.
  • Already have the app? Make sure you have the latest version. Update your app today.

Download The Chosen app to get access to additional languages. See full list of languages here.



In the US and Canada, The Chosen: Last Supper is the entire 5th season of The Chosen, told in three parts. Part One (Episodes 1&2 ) begins in theaters March 28th. Part Two (Episodes 3, 4, 5) begins April 4th. Part Three (Episodes 6, 7, 8) begins April 11th. Once released, all three parts will remain in theaters for the duration of the theatrical run. Tickets are on sale now. In international markets, only the Part One (Episodes 1 & 2) will premiere in theaters. Stay tuned for more information on when the remaining episodes will be available.

The Chosen Season 5 will be available in The Chosen app after it debuts in theaters. Stay tuned! We’ll be announcing streaming dates at a future time.